The 7th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics 10-13 Sep 2002. Santa Cruz, California
The 6th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics 18-21 Sep 2000. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
The 5th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics 14-17 Sep 1998. Santander, Spain
The 4th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics 16-19 Sep 1996. Estes Park, Colorado
The 3rd International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics 19-22 Sep 1994. Montreux, Switzerland
The 2nd International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics 8-11 Sep 1992. Columbus, Ohio
The 1st International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics 24-27 Sep 1990. Orsay, France
The 14th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics
19-23 September, 2016, IHEP,Beijing, China |
Go to the page on the information of proceedings, please click here.
This is the fourteenth workshop of this series devoted to physics of the ¦Ó lepton and its associated neutrino. The goal of the workshop is to get theorists and experimentalists together to discuss recent progress in ¦Ó lepton physics. New results in ¦Ó from high energy machines, low energy machines and B-factories will be presented as well as recent results from g-2 and neutrino oscillation experiments. The program also includes related subjects such as hadron cross section measurement at e+e- colliders, searches for Lepton Flavour Violation in ¦Ì decays and review talks on the future experiments.
Agenda and Slides: Please click HERE
The workshop will be in Room A214 of the Main Building on IHEP campus.
Static properties of the tau
Lepton universality
Hadronic decays and QCD
Decays into kaons and |Vus|
Decays of b and c to tau
CP violation in the tau sector
Lepton flavour violation
Lepton g-2
Neutrino physics
Tau in EW tests at hadron colliders
Tau in SM Higgs searches
Tau in searches for BSM
Prospects for tau physics
Bulletins |
Tau2016-first-bulletin |
Tau2016-second-bulletin |
Poster |
Important dates
Jan. 1-July 31, 2016: Online Registration
Jul. 18, 2016: Deadline for abstract submission for oral presentation (contact email is tau2016@ihep.ac.cn)
Aug. 18, 2016: Deadline for abstract submission for poster presentation (contact email is tau2016@ihep.ac.cn)
July. 31, 2016: Deadline for registration and deal with the visa letter applications
Sept. 18, 2016: Arrival and onsite registration
Sept. 19-23, 2016: Onsite registration & Workshop
Sept. 24, 2016: Departure
Nov. 24, 2016: Deadline for proceedings submission |
Registration & Acquire more news: Please click this indico page HERE |
Contact email: tau2016@ihep.ac.cn |